More Than A Block

Furniture Design for Really Peckham Market

Year: 2023 Jun.
Type: Modular Furniture
Material: Hardwood Plywood
Location: Peckham Level, London, UK

年份: 2023 六月
地点:Peckham Level, 英国伦敦

- Achievement -


The design was located in Peckham Level. The area also prefers to reuse buildings in Central Rye Lane than demolition and reconstruction. So in my design, I was more focused to think of how to make changes inside. And also uses modular furniture that can be changed for different uses and move easily. Furniture will be used in the space. And considering the possibility that Peckham Level would be closed after 10 years, items of furniture will be able to be reused or recycled.

不只是块块(More Than A Block)是超佩克汉市集(Really Peckham Market)空间设计中的一部分。再利用位于中央黑麦巷(Central Rye Lane)的建筑一直是佩克汉(Peckham)地区一个特别关注点:减少建筑的拆除和重建而是将空间进行改造二次利用。考量到建筑的使用年限,在设计中思考如何在内部做出改变,于是决定使用模块化家具。家具可以根据需求可以拼装成不同的形态,并且易于拆卸安装,使家具适用于多种用途且方便搬运。为Peckham Level在十年后关闭时家具还能够被重复使用或回收。

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Picking from Shelf & Hanging  从货架选择产品

Shelves ︎ 柜子

The two types of blocks can be connected by clamping without additional tools or screws. The shelves can be built at different heights.


Connection Type 连接方式

The shelves are mainly used in the market space at the Really Peckham Market. In addition to the combination of the basic blocks, it can also build a long cabinet or become a clothing display rack through different lengths of boards or extra iron bars.

货架被主要用于超佩克汉市集(Really Peckham Market)的市集空间。除了基础的组合还能通过不同长度的层板搭建长柜子或者拼装成衣服展架。

Shelves 架子

Hanging ︎ 悬挂

The hanging shelf is built on the basis of the shelf. The hanging part can be set up simply. It is working by an iron bar set up between the shelves through the holes reserved in the wooden board.


Hanging Product 悬挂货物

The hanging function provides space for the display of clothing, accessories and graphic works. It can also be set by its suspension height to meet the needs.


Hanging & Picking 悬挂与挑选

Chair ︎ 椅子形态

The chair is really easy to make! It is completed by a basic block with a soft cushion.


Chair 椅子

Chairs are used within the Really Peckham Market.

最基础的椅子被运用在佩克汉市集(Really Peckham Market)各处。

Chair 椅子

When two blocks are complemented by a longer board, they are converted into a long stool.


Long Stool 长凳

Table ︎ 桌子形态

When two blocks are joined together as support on two sides each and superimpose a board on top, it becomes a table. The table can be used as a display or sales table, or as a dining space. The table can be used as a display or sales table, or for dining.


Table 桌子

When the tables are working with chair blocks as a group, they become dining tables which are used in the dining space of the Really Peckham Market. The table can be customized according to the needs of different lengths. It can also be combined to provide a wider table for large groups.

当桌子和椅子块块组合,则成为佩克汉市集(Really Peckham Market)餐饮空间中的就餐桌子。桌子可以根据需求定制不同长度的桌板。也可以合并一起为多人聚餐提供更宽阔的桌面。

Multifunction Table 多功能桌子

The upper support blocks of the table provide storage for customers to keep their belongings.


Storage 收纳功能

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︎ Xiting Huang 2024